Club Permit Scheme

Update to Process 22 Nov 2024; authorised Jim Collins Permit Policy Officer.

Following changes to the Club Permit Scheme which came into force from 1 April 2016, the following conditions apply to all club permit applications and renewals.

New Club Permit Applications.

A new permit application must comply with VicRoads Club Permit Scheme requirements

You MUST be a financial member of the HTCAV.

Your application MUST contain:

  1. HTCAV Club Permit Application Form
  2. Payment of the specified HTCAV administration fee (Credit card)
  3. Club permit application form (VicRoads) and Vehicle eligibility and standards declaration for club permit vehicles form (VicRoads)
  4. Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC)
  5. Evidence of ownership of vehicle
  6. Dated colour photographs of the vehicle. Digital copy of photos Emailed to the Permit Policy officer is preferred. The photographs must include images of:
    – the front
    – driver’s side
    – rear
    – driving position (side on with the driver’s door open)
    – and where possible, any identifiers such as chassis, VIN and engine number
  7. Self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of your application paperwork (We recommend you use Express Post to ensure your application is received and returned in a timely manner).
  8. Photocopies of item 3 forms, the RWC and item 5 documents required to be included with the application.

 Failure to provide all of the above documentation will result in your application being refused.

Applications to be posted to:
HTCAV Permit Policy Officer
PO Box 4182
McKinnon VIC 3204

HTCAV club officers authorised for signature of new HTCAV / VicRoads club permit applications:

Jim Collins – Permit Policy Officer (and Club Safety Officer)
David Floyd – Treasurer (and Club Safety Officer)

Club Permit renewals

Annual renewals will only be processed in the following circumstances:

  1. You are a Club Plate financial member of the HTCAV Inc
  2. You must complete the ‘Club Permit Renewal Request form
  3. In person: Present your completed HTCAV renewal request form and VicRoads Club Permit renewal form to authorised officers of the HTCAV for signing at a HTCAV general meeting.
  4. By mail: Send your completed HTCAV renewal request form and the VicRoads Club Permit form to:
    HTCAV Permit Policy Officer
    PO Box 4182
    McKinnon VIC 3204
  5. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of your renewal form
  6. By Email: If you are unable to have the VicRoads renewal notice signed in person by an authorised club office bearer you can email a Club Permit endorsement form (available on this website; Renew a Club Permit) to the HTCAV permit scheme officer for completion and signing and return email. As the permit holder you need to sign your renewal notice too.
    Upload your signed renewal, or Club Permit endorsement form, into your myVicRoads account online and pay the fee to renew your club permit

Authorised Officers for club permit approvals
HTCAV club officers authorised for signature of renewal of VicRoads club permit renewals and Club Permit endorsement form:

Jim Collins – Permit Policy Officer
Ben Dahlstrom – President HTCAV Inc
David Floyd – Treasurer HTCAV Inc
If you have any questions about these arrangements, please call Jim on 0419 552 875.

HTCAV Permit Policy Officer
PO Box 4182
McKinnon VIC 3204